=== WP Meta and Date Remover === Contributors: Prasad Kirpekar Donate link: - https://paypal.me/prasadkirpekar Tags: free,theme,meta,date,author, website, posts, pages, metadata, post, home page, remover, entry-meta, css,front page Requires at least: 3.0.1 Tested up to: 5.5 Stable tag: 1.8.2 License: GPLv3 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Remove meta author and date information from posts and pages. Hide from Humans and Search engines.SEO friendly and most advance plugin. == Description == Remove Meta,Author and Date in click. Install. Activate. And Done! ==How to remove Author Meta and Date from posts and pages?== 1. Install WP Meta and Date remover. 2. Activate Plugin. 3. Choose whether to hide from Backend(Page Source) or Frontend or Both 4. Save settings 5. And you done! ==Two way removal== This plugin uses two methods to erase your meta **Removal using CSS file** Plugin register custom CSS which hides any information contained by meda data class. CSS file provided with this plugin works great. You also can edit that n file in plugin editor. For more support [Buy premium support](https://www.fiverr.com/prasadkirpekar/customize-your-theme-css) **Removal using php** Plugin filters results of functions like get_date(),get_time() etc. In some cases CSS file doesn't work, thats why there is removal using php code. Plugin removes Meta data from source code. Which means even search engines can't see it. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zONSSgCjphY] For further help refer [this](http://prasadkirpekar.com/wordpress/wordpress-tutorials/how-to-remove-meta-and-date-from-wordpress-posts-or-pages/) blog post == Contact me == [Reach me here](http://prasadkirpekar.com) == Frequently Asked Questions == 1. Meta data is still present even after activation. Find meta data css class in your theme css and edit css code in settings. You can even main me on prasadkirpekar@outlook.com 2. Search engine showing Meta data even after plugin activation. Search engines doesn't react to changes instantaly. Search engines will take some time. Resubmit your sitemap in webmaster tools. == Installation == Use built in automatic installer or, 1. Copy the plugin folder into /wp-content/plugins 2. Activate plugin via the plugins page in the WordPress admin 3. Go to Settings to configure. == Screenshots == 1. Settings Window 2. After activation 3. Before activation == Changelog == 1.7.9 CSS issue fixed 1.7.8 Bug Fixes 1.7.5 Bug Fixes 1.6 You can choose to not use individual post option. 1.5 * Improved User Interface 1.4.0 * You can now choose to show Date and Meta on indivisual posts. 1.3.0 * Added option to choose whether to hide from home page or not. 1.2.2 * Minor Improvments 1.2.1 * Minor Improvments. 1.2.0 * Improved both CSS and PHP removal * Added admin menu page for manual configuration. 1.1.0 * Improved previous css code. * Added new php based method to filter meta information. 1.0.0 * Initial release with css based meta removal.